
7 posts

Borders and Frames

One may have noticed that I have travelled a smidgeon in the Middle Eastern countries of Syria, Jordan and Egypt over the course of the last few years, and politically mapped boundaries (set out by the English and French ages back without consideration to history or cultural traditions) must be […]

Flight of Fancy

Friday, Jan. 22: Why does it seem all flights I have to take leave at an hour where most piss-heads come home tossing their cookies up from the pub? OK, I admit, the hour of actual departure was not so bad; it’s just the getting up three hours beforehand to […]

That Burning Feeling

Ask anyone that knows me well and I am sure they will tell you that they don’t really find me the religious type, but I do try to have a sincere respect for anyone and everyone’s beliefs, and I try to keep my mind open. I truly feel that we […]

Baku to You, Too

Thirty kilometres in two hours. It just wasn’t fair. They claim that one in every four people of driving age in Moscow has a car, and the ungodly traffic on the ring roads circling this city of nine million and leading to the airport add tremendous weight to this statement. […]

Slap and Tickle

A Canadian friend of mine, Rob, has been recently exiled to the Middle East for an indefinite period of time and has, of course, had to make the necessary adjustments in his life to deal with such a fate. Don’t feel that I am saying the Middle East is a […]

You! Gimme Pen!!

The “Cradle of Civilisation”; the “land of the burnt-faced men”, Abyssinia: home of the powerful Aksumite empire from the 2nd to 7th century A.D. – These are just some of the descriptions that have been granted upon Ethiopia through the centuries. Sounds majestic, does it not? Before I even go […]

Roll of the Dice

I have been a fortunate soul as of late, and I am truly aware of this fact. For someone with a bad infestation of travel bugs (no, this is not slang for crabs or any other STDs), too little spare income over the past few years to enable me to […]